Projects, Inventions and Sustainable solutions to preserve the Planet.


  • Leadership & Research Programs.


  • Documentaries that support endangered species and local communities.


  • Sponsorship opportunities to associate your brand story with Meaningful Projects.

Re-connection to nature, your dreams and your true values. While Being aligned and congruent with your talents, vision and life mission.


  • Building your brand around your core values during a fun adventure.


  • Getting in touch with powerful causes and sponsors-partners.


  • Sharing your passion with a community of like minded heroes.

When Beauty and functionality rhyme with ecology and sustainability.


In perfect balance with the environment, a signature  home designed to resonate and integrate the ancestral Feng Shui principles of good energy, vitality and well-being.


More than an acupuncture treatment for your home, with in and out living facilities, Feng Shui ecological and sustainable homes are beautiful, functional, and spacious.


A  Mix Martial Art approach.

Combining Self Defense, Kick Boxing, Jujitsu and Taishi.


  • Personal trainer workouts


  • Introductory classes and training technique for adults and kids.


  • Specialized teachers



Your guide to find your true soul mate once you really know who you are.

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